El Guapo, the Betta Fish, Has Been Conditioned to Jump out of Water and Through a HoopTrained Betta Fish
Tens of Thousands of Shark Migrating off the Coast of FloridaThousands of Blacktip Sharks Migration off the Coast of Florida
Ever Wonder What Sound a Penguin Might Make when Tickled? Well, You Can Now Rest at Ease Knowing That Youtuber Sopranoquad Captured Precisely That on Camera!The Laughing Penguin
A Local Florida Resident Going by the Alias, thebackyardscientist, Has Amassed an Impressive Number of Videos on His Youtube Channel. Most of His Videos Involve Some Element of Danger, Often Including…Molten Aluminum Vs. Aquarium
All Life Evacuates Waste from Its Body in Some Form. Sea Urchins Are No Exception.Do Sea Urchins Poop? Why yes, they do!