Fish Tank Wars: Spring 2015
It's that time again, to pull out your spare aquarium in the size of your choice (recommended 10, 20 long, or 40 gallon breeder), and prepare yourself for the battle that is Fish Tank Wars, presented by the Central Florida Aquarium Society!
The Spring 2015 edition of Fish Tank Wars kicks off Friday, March, 20, 2015. The theme for this round is “Lucky”. It is up to you to decide how you wish to interpret and create a unique aquatic display based on this theme and overall concept. Entries will be judged by the CFLAS team. A winner will be announced within 72-hours following close of event. Good luck!
The prize awarded to the winner of Fish Tank Wars will be induction into the Legion of Fish Tank Warriors, and a Seachem Plant Pack Fundamentals, which contains 3 bottles of fertilizers (Flourish, Excel, and Iron) for aquatic plants. Our standard terms & conditions apply.
All entries must…
- …be received no later than 11:59pm Thursday, April 2, 2015
- …include at least 3 photos (video optional)
- …include a brief description of what you created
- …include a summary of items used to create your submission
- …be partially or completely submerged underwater
- …make use of an aquarium of any size of your choosing
- …be emailed to [email protected]