Salty Supply Hires Hobbyist and Videographer Thomas Brown to Showcase its Products
Salty Supply of Altamonte Springs, Florida, announces its latest addition to its growing team, Thomas Brown, aquarium hobbyist videographer of YouTube channel, ThomasVisionReef. Brown has been providing video coverage of events, conventions, and aquarium shops for the past two years. As Salty Supply's lead video content director, Brown will be creating engaging, information-filled videos about the company's products and services.
“We have followed Thomas' progress and the creativity he bring to each video he creates. We are extremely excited to have Thomas on our Team. We believe he will bring the much needed energy and dynamic to our online video presence.”
– Richard Gilliland, CEO, Salty Supply
Gilliland went on to encourage customers to be sure to stay tuned to Salty Supply's YouTube channel and website for great new products spotlights, and videos series coming soon.
Gilliland explained that Brown’s contribution to Salty Supply's video creation process will be instrumental in helping Salty Supply expand its brand into video.
“He has already proven his ability to help aquarium companies stand out with his work with other brands such as LRS Foods, Aqua Medic, Orphek, AlgaGen, and Polyp Labs just to name a few. His professional experience will make him an outstanding addition to our team.”
– Richard Gilliland, CEO, Salty Supply
According to Gilliland, Salty Supply is the saltwater aquarium aficionado resource designed and operated by hobbyists, for hobbyists.
“I am so excited to start this new venture with Salty Supply. Over the past two years I've worked really hard to bring value to the ThomasVisionReef subscribers. I am truly honored that Richard and the rest of the Salty Supply team have taken such an interest in my work, not only as a YouTube content creator, but as a brand builder. I think other hobbyist that are also content creators (videos, blogs, articles etc.) like myself should see this as a big step forward as companies are now seeing the value in what we do. To potentially have made a new career out of something I did for fun and to keep our wondering hobby going is amazing to me. But even more so, I would like to help Salty Supply build an even deeper relationship with their customers and establish and online video presence. What this means for my already-established audience is a never ending stream of content.”
– Thomas Brown
For more information, please visit: http://www.saltysupply.com