Raspberry Pi Meets Paludarium
When technology meets aquatic environments, something beautiful happens. Such is the case with this fully automated paludarium designed to simulate an Amazonian biotope with realistic environmental effects, so real that you might think it's magic!
In fact, this amazing design powered by Raspberry Pi, is the brainchild of masterminds Poopi and Piter.
In case you were curious what one was, a paludarium is a type of vivarium, aquatic terrarium, or for all intents and purposes, an enclosure that incorporates both terrestrial and aquatic elements. Paludaria (or paludariums) usually consist of an enclosed container in which organisms specific to the biome being simulated are kept.
The paludarium is controlled by RaspberryPi and 4 Atmega 168P for:
- 6 independent sections of halogen lights
- 27 Independently controlled 1W LEDs for various effects
- 3 independent 3W RGB LEDs for ambient color effects
- 3 independent 3W LEDs for thunders and moon simulation
- 3 independent 10W LEDs for Aquarium lighting
- 2 independent FANs for wind simulation
- 3 Fog generators
- 2 independent solenoids for rain control
- Temperature monitoring
All lights fully dimable. Full control over FAN speed. Extendable design for further improvements by adding new control modules.
Creative design: – Piter
Technology and effects design: Poopi