The Number of Great White Sharks off the U.s. Atlantic Coast Appears to Have Increased Since the Early 1990s After Conservation Measures Were Introduced to Halt Their Decline, a U.s.…Study Points to an Increase in Great White Sharks off U.S. Atlantic Coast
Note: Did This Sixth-grader Use Stolen Research, Passing It off As Her Own? read This Article. Just Days After the Story about the Lionfish Ban, Comes a Story of a 12-year Old…12 Year Old Palm Beach County Girl Credited for Breakthrough in Lionfish Research
State Wildlife Regulators Today Banned the Import of Live Lionfish and Enacted Several Other Countermeasures to Help Combat the Fierce Fish's Invasion of Florida Waters. Lionfish, Native to Pacific And…Florida Lionfish Ban Takes Effect August 1, 2014
Happy Fathers Day to All the Dad's out There, from the Team at the Central Florida Aquarium Society! Here Are Several Specials Local Area Shops Are Running for Dad's Special…2014 Father's Day Sales in Central Florida
Back in February, when Southern Delight Fish Foods sent Us Their Entire Product Line and then Some, to Give Away, and Try Out. 3 Months Have Passed Since We Accepted Their…Southern Delight Fish Foods Giveaway
Want to Win Some Swag? Name the Movie This Awesome Aquascape Was Modeled After. One Lucky Person Will Be Chosen at 9pm Est.Aquascaping Giveaway
In February 2014, Leader in Video Streaming Technology, Dropcam, Generously Provided Us with a Dropcam Pro, Allowing Us to Share a Live Video Feed of Our Immersed Aquaculture Art Gallery…Sponsor Unveils Latest Advancement in Technology: Introducing Dropcam Tabs
The Tribord Easybreath Snorkeling Mask Facilitates Normal Breathing While UnderwaterSnorkeling Technology gets an Upgrade
Prize Winner! Congratulations to Kristie Kingsland of Oviedo, Florida, You Are the Winner of the Eheim Gravel Vac Pro! Your Name Was Randomly Selected by Christina of Fancy Tails Fish [website]!…2014 Best of Central Florida and Beyond: Aquarist Edition Winners
Lets Face It, Studying Abnormal Cells and Visually Identifying Internal Diseases Has Been a Challenge for Hobbyists in the Past Due to the High Price-point of the Equipment Necessary, But…DIY: The $10 Digital Microscope