Sharks with Frickin' Laser Beams Attached to Their Heads? Close!
They may not be sharks with frickin' laser beams, nor mutated sea bass, but they do fire lasers in their attempt to get a warm meal!
Japanese indie studio Nussoft recently released a new trailer for its upcoming third-person shooter Neo Aquarium 2: Ace of Seafood. The video showcases its fast-paced combat you will experience as you battle fish with lasers, mutant crabs, and the battleships that are sunk during the underwater warfare.
You begin your adventure in the Neo Aquarium universe in “dimensionally linked” aquariums that promote the evolution of organisms. Soon, the crustaceans, fish, and other underwater organisms started waging war against one another, and somehow, mutate. This sequel expands upon the chaos that this premise inspired in the original game.
What Neo Aquarium 2 is not lacking is faster pace, a better presentation, deformable terrain, and more diverse play styles. Whereas the first game focused on barnacles and crustaceans, this sequel features jet-powered fish that whip through the water spewing out colorful lasers from their mouths.